============ Activities ============ Setting up the activities is fairly involved, and also entirely optional unless you actually want to use the activity backend. As a result, it’s got its own documentation. Note that this backend is somewhat experimental. Don’t use it in production unless you’ve tested it really well and know what you’re doing. Settings ======== Because we need to generate full uri/iris (including the domain) and we need to be able to do it without an HTTP request, we need to have a way of finding out your domain & scheme. If you're already using ``django.contrib.sites`` and you have it set up with a ``SITE_ID`` in your settings, that’ll work. Otherwise a simpler solution is to just set these two settings: =============== ====================================== ``SITE_DOMAIN`` Your site’s domain name ``SITE_SSL`` True if you use HTTPS, False otherwise =============== ====================================== Note that ``SITE_SSL`` should nearly always be True (the default) unless you’re in development testing on localhost. Also, because this backend isn’t enabled by default, you’ll need to alter ``DJANGO_VOX_BACKENDS`` and add ``'django_vox.backends.html_email.Backend',``. You can see an example on the :doc:`backends` page. Registering actors ================== Like we had to register channels before, now we have to register actors too. It’s mostly accurate to say that actors should be any users that you want to be able send/receive activities. Actors all have endpoints, and inboxes (and some unimplemented things). When you add an actor you specify the route for his/her endpoint using a regex, much like you would make a normal Django 1 url route. The parameters in the regex should correspond to the identifying field in the user. Here’s an example: .. code-block:: python actors[User].set_regex(r'^users/(?P[0-9]+)/$') Additionally, you’ll also need to return the activity contact from the ``get_contacts_for_notification`` method for the actors. If you want to send them all the possible notification, then add the following code: .. code-block:: python def get_contacts_for_notification(self, _notification): yield Contact(self.name, 'activity', self.get_actor_address()) Setting up models ================= Just like we had to add a bunch of properties to the models for the basic features in django_vox, there’s a few more to add to get good results for the activity stream. These aren’t strictly necessary, but your results will be pretty plain without them. Code samples of all of these are available in the test site the comes with django_vox. First, the notification parameters take a new parameter ``activity_type``. It can be set to an ``aspy.Activity`` subclass. If it’s not set, django_vox with either match the notification name to an activity type, or use the default ‘Create’ type. .. note:: This code makes use of the ``aspy`` library. It’s a dependency, so you should get it automatically, just ``import aspy``. Second, the object of your activity entries defaults to the plain activity streams “Object” with an id (based on ``get_absolute_url()`` and a name (based on ``__str__()``). This is pretty bare-bones to say the least. You can specify something more colorful by implementing the ``__activity__()`` method and returning another subclass of ``aspy.Object`` with perhaps a few properties. Finally, there’s a few rare cases where the same model might need to give you different objects for different kinds of notifications. If you need to do this, you can override ``VoxModel.get_activity_object()``. .. note:: If your model is also an actor, it’s recommended to use ``VoxModel.get_actor_address()`` to get the object’s ID, otherwise you can use ``django_vox.base.full_iri(self.get_absolute_url())`` Accessing the inboxes ===================== At this point, you should be able to make up activity notifications, issue them, and then retrieve them using ``django_vox.models.InboxItem``. However, if you want to use our hackish ActivityPub half-implementation, there’s one/two more steps. First we have to enable the inbox middleware. Add this to your settings.py: .. code-block:: python MIDDLEWARE = [ ... 'django_vox.middleware.activity_inbox_middleware', ] That’s probably it, but if your setup is more complicated than “each user has their own inbox” (for example, you have an organization-wide actor and you need several users to be able to access the inbox) you’ll have to add support for object level permissions and give each user access to the permission ``django_vox.view_inbox`` for the specific actor involved. Django doesn’t support this by default. We recommend using `rules`_ but there are other authentication backends that work too. Here’s an example with rules: .. code-block:: python @rules.predicate def inbox_owner(user, inbox_actor): # one set of rules for organization actors if isinstance(inbox_actor, models.Organization): return user.organization == inbox_actor # another for user actors return user == inbox_actor rules.add_perm('django_vox.view_inbox', inbox_owner) That’s it folks. .. _rules: https://pypi.org/project/rules/